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Booking inquiry

for a guided tour of the grounds with an introductory group session

View of the visitor information center at the Buchenwald Memorial. An employee is sitting at the counter and talking on the phone.
View of the visitor information center at the Buchenwald Memorial. ©Katharina Brand. Buchenwald and Mittelbau-Dora Memorials Foundation

Every educational offer (regardless of its duration) for a group eligible for a discount cost 40 Euro for up to 15 people and 60 Euro for up to 30 people. For groups not eligible for a discount, every educational offers costs 80 Euro for up to 15 people and 120 Euro for up to 30 people.

To book a guided tour, please use this form.

After completing and sending the form, you have the option of printing it out. Please take the time to fill out the form in detail. The more information you provide, the better our educational staff can prepare for your group.

After you have sent in the form, you will receive a booking confirmation by email. In the event that none of the dates you have specified are available, you can contact us by phone to inquire about free slots.

Further options for your visit

A visit to Buchenwald: Ostracism and Violence 1937–1945, the permanent exhibition on the history of the Buchenwald concentration camp, offers a means of delving deeper. An online ticket (free of charge) is required to visit the exhibition.

The art exhibition Means of Survival – Testimony – Artwork – Visual Memory and the exhibition on the history of the Soviet Special Camp No. 2 Buchenwald 1945–1950 are also open for group visits. No tickets are required for admission to these exhibitions.

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