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Booking and Organization

Our educational offers are geared primarily for school classes (9th year and higher), youth groups, and young adults. The offers can be designed inclusively. The minimum age for participation is 15. The maximum group size is 30.

To a limited degree, we can also carry out programmes in foreign languages.

Request for registration well in advance

Owing to the many inquiries we receive, we request that you register your group as far in advance as possible, at least 12 months before the desired visiting dates.

How much time should I allow?

A group stands on the parking space. They are listening to a guide. In the background is a building of the International Youth Meeting Center.
Guided tour on the parking space, 2022. Photo: Julia Treumann. ©Buchenwald Memorial

Guided tours with introductory discussion

A guided tour with an introductory session lasts a minimum of 3 hours.

To ensure time to clarify organizational questions, get around the memorial grounds and take a short break, please allow at least 3.5 hours.

For subsequent visit to on of the museums at site, please allow at least another hour.

A group of young participants in a multi-day program working outside at a long work table on various educational materials.
A group works outside next to the international education center, 2022. Photo: Lukas Severin Damm. ©Buchenwald Memorial

One- and multi-day seminars

A one-day seminar lasts at least 6 hours.
Multi-day seminars with or without overnight accommodations at the International Young People's Centre can be booked for 2 to 7 days.

Several young people using the computers in the memorial's PC pool.
Online seminars offer many possibilities for preparation and follow-up, 2011. Photo: Claus Bach. ©Buchenwald Memorial

Online seminars

To help you prepare for your visit, we offer online seminars of 4 hours or more with thematic introductions. It is possible to adapt the seminar programme to school lessons and divide it into two sessions taking place on two different days.

We also offer online seminars with different thematic focuses as a means of delving deeper. These seminars take place over 2 days, 6.5 hours each day or 3 days, 4.5 hours each day.

A white bus of the line 6 to Buchenwald approaches the bus stop in front of the Weimar main station visible in the background.
The public bus line 6 connects Weimar with the memorial sites. ©Buchenwald Memorial

FAQ about a group visit

Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions about visiting the memorial with a group.

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