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Apps / Multimedia Guides

You can also explore Buchenwald with our app, which is available for free in the Apple Store or Google Play Store.

A visitor uses the I-Guide app while touring the memorial. The smartphone used is equipped with headphones.

Downloadable "Buchenwald" App

To tour the former camp facility independently, visitors are welcome to use our "Buchenwald" app, which provides in seven different languages information, historical photos, and eyewitness accounts. The download is available for free from the Apple Store or Google Play Store.

Also, the permanent exhibition "Buchenwald. Ostracism and Violence 1937 to 1945" can be explored using the app.

Languages: German, English, French, Italian, Dutch, Russian, Spanish, and German Sign Language.

We kindly ask you to download the app to your smartphone before your visit and to bring your own headphones.

The entrance to the visitor information center. Above the open door, a lettering indicates the visitor information inside.

Alternative: Borrowing a Multimedia Guide

If you do not want to use your own smartphone or do not have one at your disposal, you can borrow our multimedia guide at the Visitor Information Centre.

Price per person (including headphones): 5 Euro | Discounts for groups

The recommended minimum age is 15 years.

Languages: German, English, French, Italian, Dutch, Russian, Spanish, and German Sign Language.

Multimedia guides can be reserved through the Visitor Information Centre at

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