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Digital presentations

Geschichte statt Mythen Aktueller Geschichtsrevisionismus in Thüringen

Auf unserem Blog finden Sie Analysen zu tagesaktuellen TV-Auftritten, Wahlkampfreden oder Social-Media-Posts von politischen Akteur:innen. Wir klären über die Hintergründe der genutzten Chiffren, Mythen oder historischen Analogien auf und ordnen diese...

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Title page of the brochure. The title is written on a black band above a photo. The photo shows crowds of people standing in rows. All of them are carrying swastika flags.

Weimar under National Socialism A city map

Weimar and the Classical period were of particular interest to National Socialism. The entire city and its cultural life were to be transformed to conform to the Nazi ideal of a "German culture" for the Volksgemeinschaft.

go to the digital presentation (German only)
Zeitstrahl OTD en

Blog #otd1945 The Final Months of the Buchenwald and Mittelbau-Dora Concentration Camps

Starting in January, the blog #otd1945 (“on this day 1945”) will take a day-by-day look at what was going on in the Buchenwald and Mittelbau-Dora concentration camps 76 years ago.

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Rolf Kralovitz

Contemporary witness ten zero ninety Rolf Kralovitz 1925–2015

The multimedia project TSURIKRUFN! tells the story of the actor and television producer (including "Die Sendung mit der Maus") Rolf Kralovitz.

Visit the website of the ASKI (german only)
The photo shows an article from the Thüringer Allgemeine with the title "Reasonable truths. Buchenwald internment camp 1945-50 justice or revenge?".

Reasonable truths The reappraisal of the history of the Soviet Special Camp No. 2 Buchenwald 1989/90 to 2020

Until 1989, the history of Soviet special camps in the GDR was kept quiet. At the same time, limited private knowledge existed, but was not allowed to be made public.

Go to the digital presentation (german only)
Rosa Winkel Austellung

Rosa Winkel. Digitale Informationen zur Wanderaustellung

Als homosexuell verfolgte Häftlinge in den Konzentrationslagern Buchenwald und Mittelbau-Dora

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