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In existence since 1965, our specialist research library presently encompasses more than 45,000 media units. Publications on the history of the Buchenwald concentration camp, the Soviet Special Camp No. 2, and the memorial form the core of these holdings.

Among the library’s resources is a large collection of rare early autobiographical testimonies by survivors of the Buchenwald concentration camp and its subcamps. Equally worthy of note are the more than 600 unpublished specialist papers and university theses.


The Library will be closed from June 28 to July 12, 2024.

A user sits at the round wooden table in the middle of the reading room of the memorial library and reads. The photo is taken from the hallway through the glass partition wall on which the words "Pierre Durand Room" can be seen.

Reference library

The Buchenwald Memorial library is a reference library and open to the public. Well-equipped user rooms offer an ideal work setting.

To notify the library in advance of your visit, please get in touch with our contact person.

A graphic representing the search field of the AGGB catalog.

Online catalogues

Before your visit, you can find information about our holdings in the library catalogue.

The Buchenwald Memorial library is a member of the Association of Memorial Site Libraries (Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Gedenkstättenbibliotheken; AGGB). Currently 26 institutions are represented in the AGGB’s union catalogue.

A stack of scientific literature and exhibition catalogs draped on a table in the Mittelbau-Dora Memorial Library.

New acquisitions

Selected new acquisitions are listed here:

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