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Preparation and Follow-up of a Visit to the Memorial

Targeted preparation for / follow-up to a visit to the memorial enhances the lasting effects of the educational experience.

A visit to a concentration camp memorial confronts people with the violent history of the site and of National Socialism as a whole. To keep especially younger visitors from being emotionally and cognitively overwhelmed by what they encounter at a memorial, it is important to carry out suitable preparations and follow-up. This is the only way of ensuring the lasting effects of the learning experience—also with regard to the relevance of the history for the present.

Please plan at least one lesson or group meeting for the preparation. Another session is necessary for reflecting on and talking about the experience after the visit. This will serve as a way of initiating cognitive processes, also in terms of what the learning experience means for each participant’s individual lifeworld.

In the following you will find general and theme-related recommendations for preparing for your visit as well as follow-up materials.

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