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Farm / Nursery

The farmyard at the lower, north-western end of the camp consisted of stalls for livestock and a field, where feed and tobacco were cultivated.

The picture shows a complex with several greenhouses. A watchtower of the camp can be seen in the background.
Farm, Nursery, 1950-1952. Photo: Dr. Horst Gunlach.

It also included a riding area for the Soviet officers. To the north of the stalls was a barn, various storage buildings, a small slaughterhouse and veterinary lab, a tannery, and a blacksmith workshop.

The farmyard was enclosed with barbed wire. The inmates responsible for maintaining the farm were housed in special barracks and led a relatively independent existence. The products of the farmyard and nursery, which bordered the outlying fence to the northeast, were almost exclusively enjoyed by the Soviet camp administrators.

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