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The infirmary was located in the lower, north-western portion of the camp. It consisted of eight buildings, which were separated from the rest of the camp by a barbed wire fence.

A schematic drawing of the lazaretto. It is a flat, long building with two floors. Due to the slightly sloping position, the windows on the right side are near the ground, while on the left side stairs lead up to the door. In the middle, stairs also lead up to the doors on the second floor. At the top, large windows are regularly arranged in pairs, while at the bottom, smaller windows are more widely spaced. Below the drawing there are two floor plans with lengths, as well as a list about the area with square meters and Cyrillic inscriptions.
"Lazarett: departments VI/VII", construction drawing. It was about the tuberculosis ward and the psychiatric ward, 1948.
A rudimentary pencil drawing of a one-story barracks with two entrance doors can be seen. there is a bench between the doors. The roof of the barrack has a small pyramid-shaped structure in the middle.
Military hospital, ambulance barracks with office, pharmacy, laboratory and operating room, 1948. Drawing: Fritz Wagner.

This is where imprisoned German doctors and nursing staff worked. The infirmary included a women's infirmary, a dental unit, an infirmary kitchen, an internal medicine department, a surgical department, a tuberculosis ward, a psychiatric area, a pharmacy, a laundry area, and a service building.

Due to a constant lack of medication and medical supplies, it was only possible to mitigate the effects of disease but hardly heal patients. Sick inmates suffered from the effects of malnourishment—which included dystrophy, tuberculosis, and dysentery—and unsanitary conditions. The number of inmates infected with tuberculosis rose steadily, causing numerous additional barracks to be assigned to the infirmary. When the camp was shut down in 1950, the final report of the Soviet administrators noted 2,000 of 10,000 inmates as having open or closed tuberculosis.

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