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The majority of the workshops were located to the east of the camp, in an area that comprised the former armament factory belonging to the Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke.

The picture shows the former workshop area after the dissolution of the special camp. In the center of the picture, a long, multi-story building can be seen. In the background a horse stable-like barrack. The complex is surrounded by thinned out rows of trees.
Workshops, former industrial yard, early 1950s. Photo: Catherine Knittel.

The workshops were part of the prison complex but cordoned off with barbed wire. They included an automobile repair shop with garages, a carpentry workshop, a blacksmith workshop including a foundry and welding shop, a painting workshop, and multiple junk storage areas. To the right of the gate building was another smaller complex of workshops, which housed the central offices of the technical department, an electronics workshop, a locksmith shop, and a screw and nail production.

During the initial months of the camp, inmates were used to clear and repair buildings. A number of them worked outside the camp on farms or in procuring wood. Later, only a small minority of the inmates were allowed to work.

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