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Fence / Watchtowers

After several inmates managed to escape in 1946, the security installations, which included an electric fence, trip wires, and watchtowers, were enhanced multiple times.

The drawing shows a section of the fence at the front left, which consists of two rows of barbed wire. Behind the fence, running roughly diagonally across the picture plane, is a multiple curved dashed line inscribed at both ends with the number 385. In the upper right, a wavy line indicates an area where small symbols suggest trees or forest. A Cyrillic lettering is written in it. At the upper edge of the image, straight lines suggest that the original shows further motifs outside the image section.
Fence special warehouse drawing, construction drawing.

By mid 1947 the camp administration had erected a complex fencing system, which consisted of a 2.5-metre-high boarded fence, an illuminated 2.8-metre-tall high-voltage electric fence with barbed wire, rolls of barbed wire on the ground to hinder crawling, an open space seven to nine meters wide, and an additional barbed wire fence that was approximately 2.8 metres high. The 23 towers each had rotatable searchlights. These, together with additional floodlights, provided an almost seamless illumination of the camp and fencing installations. Day and night heavily armed guard details manned the watchtowers. Guard patrols and four block guard posts were established. Once these outer security installations were complete, flight became practically impossible. Information also did pass the camp's gate in either direction. Due to its almost complete isolation from the exterior world, the Soviet special camp was also called the "silent camp."

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