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Internal Camp Administration

To ensure the smooth operation of the camp's daily routine, the Soviet administrators established an internal organizational structure among the German inmates.

You can see the front and back of a handwritten warehouse ID card. He has the number 15. The card entitles a Karl Osner to visit all parts of the camp due to his employment in the technical department.
Both sides of an ID card for Karl Oelsner, issued by the internal camp administration, November 15, 1945.

This internal camp administration consisted of a "staff" and a "camp protection detail." The staff had its offices in Barracks 1. It administered the camp registry, reported daily on the numbers of inmates or changes in inmate status. It was headed by the "chief of staff of internal administration." The staff encompassed translators, clerks, and messengers. This structure was implemented from top to bottom. There were also zone chiefs, barracks chiefs, and room chiefs.  

The "camp protection detail" was responsible for monitoring the prison camp and enforcing order and discipline. It was located in Barracks 2. The internal camp administration was connected with the officers of the Soviet secret police in the gate building by telephone.

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