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Burial Grounds

Bodies were buried in the nearby surroundings of the camp in collective graves. Under the supervision of the Soviet camp commanders, a "burial commando" dug the graves, where multiple corpses were buried anonymously.

At intervals of several meters thin tree trunks. Between the trees at greater intervals thin wooden stakes with a red number at the top.
Grave field. Photo: Gabiele Krynitzki, 1990.
Brightly shining steel stelae in the forest cemetery mark anonymous collective graves from the time of the Soviet special camp
Steel steles mark anonymous collective graves, 2003. Photo: Peter Hansen.
A steel stele with the inscription "Unknown" as well as the number 887, surrounded by plants.
Stele 887 at the forest cemetery near the train station, 2022. Photo: Lukas Severin Damm. ©Buchenwald Memorial

7,113 people died between 1945 and 1950 in Soviet Special Camp No. 2 due to malnourishment, lack of medical care, and the effects of isolation. The largest burial site lies directly below the camp on the northern slope of Ettersberg Mountain. As second, smaller burial ground is situated to the west of the railway line in front of the station. Relatives were not informed about the deaths of their family members. During the GDR period, the grave sites were disguised. It was not until 1993 that the names of the dead were identified through Soviet sources. These names are listed in a digital registry of the dead from the Soviet special camp, which is continually updated. The burial grounds were at first provisionally indicated with wooden posts. Steles with the inscription "Unknown" (Unbekannt) and a number later replaced the improvised markers.

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