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For an inmate, being sent to the isolator meant being subjected to even harsher confinement—a practice assumed from the Soviet camp system.

Drawing of the isolator. A separately fenced zone with barracks. The fence is high and opaque. Two small guard houses stand at two adjacent entrances. Directly behind the fence the roofs of flat barracks, behind them three larger multi-storey houses. Under the drawing is the writing: "K.Z. Buchenwald 1945 - The Isolator - 2nd Zone, Barracks 19 and 20".
The insulator, 1945. Drawing: Gerhard Finn.
The drawing shows the interior of a barrack in which men are standing and sitting around a stove. In the back are bunk beds.
Interior view of the isolator, 1949. Drawing: Gerhard Finn.

The isolator encompassed two wooden barracks in 1946, which were cordoned off from the rest of the camp with a barbed-wire fence and were additionally monitored by the camp protection detail.

Whereas confinement in the "bunker" was a temporary punishment, inmates relegated to the isolator usually then spent the entirety of their sentence there. Initially the inmates of the isolator, who were considered exceptional flight risks, had to perform heavy physical labour. Later, they were prohibited from performing any kind of task and from having any contact with other inmates. The possibility of being placed back in the general inmate area remained open. In case of illness, a transfer to the infirmary required the approval of the Soviet camp doctor. In 1948 this form of isolator was discontinued.

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