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In 1947 the Soviet administration erected a detention building with six individual cells next to the former concentration camp crematorium, which now remained unused.

Exterior view of the "bunker" in the annex of the crematorium. Seven small barred windows can be seen below the roof.
Exterior view of the "bunker" in the crematorium annex, 1997. Photo: Gabiele Krynitzki.

The "bunker" served to penalize not only theft but also offenses by members of the camp protection detail and instances of unallowed contact among inmates. Even the possession of paper and pencils was a reason for being sent to the "bunker." The head of the camp protection detail assigned punishments ranging from three-and-a-half to ten days with half-rations. The assignment to the "bunker" and the length of punishment was decided by him alone, although he had to communicate the offense and the length and number of punishments to the Soviet camp leadership. In individual cases, inmates were sent to the detention cells in the gate building.

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