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Garrison Area

The Soviet guard details of Special Camp No. 2 included 250 men, and they only used a portion of the former SS site.

A plan of the preliminary zone of the special camp with a Cyrillic heading. At the bottom, the elongated, semicircular buildings of the former SS barracks can be seen, but only the scant half of them, resulting in approximately a quarter circle. Above are the functional buildings of the former commandant's office, the political department and the depot. The drawing still ends at the top with the camp fence and the gate building. Most of the buildings are numbered.
Pre-zone special camp, garrison area.

The so-called garrison area encompassed a total of 18 buildings and was divided into two zones: In the former headquarters situated on Caracho Path were the offices of the camp commander and Soviet medical personnel. A club, the "Kultura", was built right next to the gate in 1946. Unlike a building inside the camp, also known as the "Kultura", this was reserved exclusively for the guards. In a second area were accommodations for the security forces and guards. Officers and their families were housed in former SS administrative buildings.

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