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Soviet Administrative Barrack

The administrative barrack were built between 1948 and 1950 as a "staff building." The staff included the people commissioned with running the special camp.

A flat, one-story building with a plain facade on the edge of the street.
Soviet administration barracks, 2022. Photo: Lukas Severin Damm.

Here and in the former headquarters, which was situated opposite, were the offices of the camp director and the departments tasked with registration, supply, protection, and organizational duties. Constructed according to a standardized plan, the building contained 12 square-shaped offices. 

The administrative barracks—in addition to additional buildings such as a clubhouse that served to entertain Soviet personnel—was located in a fenced-off area, a "preliminary zone" in front of the prison camp.

Today these barracks are the only structure that remains from the period of Soviet Special Camp No. 2.

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