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Located to the east of the inmate barracks were various supply facilities. There was a depot, which stored items such as clothing and shoes.

 View from the northwest of stone barracks No. 13 and the chamber building behind it. On the far right is the former prisoner laundry.
Laundry and former chamber building, 1950-1952. Photo: Dr. Horst Gunlach.
The photo shows, projecting into the picture from the left, three elongated buildings standing one behind the other. A slightly sloping path leads past them, groups of people in civilian clothes are walking on it. The two buildings in front have one story and a high gable roof. The rear building has three stories.
Kitchen and laundry, 1950-1952. Photo: Dr. Horst Gunlach.

This is where the sewing shop and a shoe workshop were situated. The warehouse was the largest stone building at the camp. A side wing connected the warehouse with the laundry, which had showers in its basement. To the right of this building was the so-called disinfection building. This flat-roofed building contained additional showers, and it is also where clothing was disinfected in steam chambers. In front of the laundry, was a storage cellar, a large kitchen, and a storage site for heating materials as well as a bakery that was constructed in 1945. The incinerators of the former crematorium were not used by the Soviet camp administrators. In rare cases, official delegations were permitted to visit the crematorium as a memorial site, as did Rosa Thälmann in 1946, wife of Ernst Thälmann, who was murdered at the Buchenwald Concentration Camp.  

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