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The bakery of the Buchenwald special camp was situated below the former crematorium, and it was built and put into operation shortly after the camp was established.

A schematic drawing of the bakery in side view. The one-story building is built on a sloping foundation to compensate for the slight slope of the ground. There are two larger entrances on either side and a smaller door on the far left, with a 10 windows close together in between. Three chimneys are distributed over the central part.
"Bakery", architectural drawing, 1948.

The new building was constructed on the remains of an older building and was furnished with eight ovens. Inmates and guards were supplied by a daily production of twelve tons of bread. Nevertheless, hunger remained an important problem among camp inmates.

In early November 1946, rations were shorted in accordance with the lowest category for non-working civilians, thereby limiting bread rations to 300 grams. This led to an increase in mortalities. Not until 1948 did the rations situation markedly improve.

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