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Special Camp for Soviet Prisoners of War

The SS built a special camp for Soviet military prisoners in October 1941 on the western edge of the prison camp.

View from watchtower 3 over the rows of barracks of Buchenwald Concentration Camp from west to east. In the foreground, Block 1 can be seen on the right, Block 7 below it, and Block 13 of the Soviet POW camp on the far left. People are walking between the barracks. Broken furniture and other debris are piled up at the front edge of the picture.
Block 13 (left) of the camp for Soviet prisoners of war in Buchenwald, April 1945. Photo: Unknown photographer.
Gray-white memorial stone with the engraving:" Block 1, 7, 13, 19, 25, 30. camp Soviet prisoners of war. In mockery of all international law, Soviet soldiers were imprisoned in Buchenwald. In addition to hard labor, they were cruelly tortured and many died of exhaustion and starvation despite solidarity help from the political prisoners." in German, Russian and French.
Memorial stone for Soviet prisoners of war, 2022. Photo: Lukas Severin Damm.

Fenced in with barbed wire, the prisoner of war camp included six and later only three wooden barracks. In late October 1941, the SS transferred the first 2,000 Soviet prisoners of war to Buchenwald. The forced labour planned for them did not take place. The SS isolated the prisoners and withheld rations. Within a few months one in three had perished from disease or hunger. Beginning in 1942, the prisoners of war were forced to work in the quarry or on the construction of the Buchenwald railroad line. The SS also leased them as workers to companies in the surrounding area. The Soviet prisoners of war had different uniforms than the other inmates in the concentration camp. They formed small units, military style, and made up the core of the underground resistance organization.

The prisoner of war camp was maintained through April 1945. An average of several hundred inmates were held at the camp.

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