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Inmates Camp

Beneath the area reserved for the SS, inmates were forced to build their own terraced camp on the northern sloping terrain of Ettersberg Mountain. This complex of barracks had over 60 housing structures and encompassed 40 hectares.

Low-level aerial view of the concentration camp from the northwest. In the center of the picture the prisoners' camp with rows of barracks, in the background the partly destroyed Gustloff factories. Surrounded by forest.
Photograph taken in low flight showing the liberated camp from the north-west, May 1945. Photo: U. S. Strategic Bombing Survey.
 Aerial view of the prisoners' area of Buchenwald concentration camp. The barracks stand in five rows of 5 buildings each, plus other functional buildings around them. The road from the outside to the camp gate is also lined with buildings. Most of the surrounding area is wooded. Fields are also visible.
Aerial photograph of the main camp, September 17, 1943. Photo: U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey.
View from the tower of the gate building over the roll call area and the barracks in northern direction. The rear area of the camp disappears in the fog. In the large open area, people can be seen walking around alone or in small groups.
View from the tower of the gate building over the roll call square, April 14, 1945. Photo: Walter Chichersky. ©National Archives, Washington

After felling trees and laying foundations, the inmates had to assemble normed individual components—originally developed for the Reichs Labour Service—into 28 wooden communal accommodations. These each had common rooms and washrooms, but in Buchenwald they were always hopelessly overfilled. Up to six inmates had to share three-tiered metal bunkbeds.

In 1938/39, below the wooden barracks, three rows of accommodations were built as massive brick constructions, which at least offered better protection from the weather. Below that, the "Little Camp" was built in 1942, whose 17 barracks had neither sanitary facilities nor windows.

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