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Jacqueline Marié (married Fleury) – “Without the women, the résistance wouldn’t have been what it was.”

12/12/1923 (Wiesbaden, German Reich)

Group shot of Jacqueline Marié. To her right are her mother and brother, in front of them sits her father at a desk
Jacqueline Marié (1923) (right) with family, November 1942.

When the Wehrmacht occupied France, Jacqueline Marié lived with her family in Versailles. Like her father, a career officer, her mother and her brother, she was also involved in the resistance. The seventeen-year-old distributed underground newspapers and obtained information. The Gestapo learned of their activities and arrested Jacqueline and her parents in June 1944. All three were deported to Germany. By way of the Ravensbrück concentration camp, she and her mother were taken to the Torgau, Abterode and Markkleeberg subcamps, where they were assigned to labour for BMW and Junkers. They managed to flee the death march. After her return she started a family and was involved in survivors’ associations.

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