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Weimar under National Socialism

The app provides a new look at Weimar, which was to be transformed into a Nazi model city under National Socialism.

Available in the Apple App and Google Play Store (0.99 € | German language only)

Screenshot App Weimar im Nationalsozialismus Auswahlmenue
Screenshot App Weimar im Nationalsozialismus Auswahlmenue

Weimar and the Classical period were of particular interest to National Socialism. The entire city and its cultural life were to be transformed to conform to the Nazi ideal of a "German culture" for the "Volksgemeinschaft".

Buildings such as the Gauforum or the Hotel Elephant were erected in the capital of the "Schutz- und Trutzgau Thüringen". At the same time, the Buchenwald concentration camp and large armaments factories were built.

Like nowhere else, the city of Weimar still shows what the National Socialist claim to build a new racially defined society meant.

The app provides information on a total of 25 selected sites where the creative will of National Socialism manifested itself in particular. It reports on the fates of those persecuted and on the few people who stood in the way of the National Socialists.

You can also read some of the texts and pictures on the website "Weimar under National Socialism".

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