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Buchenwald: An Audio Walk

بوخنفالد مسيرة صوتية
Buchenwald. Ein Audiowalk
Buchenwald: An Audio Walk
بوخن ولد . یک پیاده روی صوتی
Buchenwald. Bir Audiowalk
Buchenwald. Un Audiowalk

Two people with headscarves and backpacks wear headphones on the grounds of the former Buchenwald concentration camp.
Guests use the audio walk. We recommend closed over-ear headphones.

Buchenwald: An Audio Walk was created in 2020/21 as part of the project "Bildung in Buchenwald: Gemeinsam gestalten". In this project, young adults of various nationalities and with widely diverse life experiences, with and without refugee or migration biographies, explored the history of Buchenwald and its relevance for the present and developed the audio walk.

The hour-long audio walk takes listeners on a tour of the grounds of the former concentration camp. In addition to relating historical facts about the site, it also provides insights into the project participants' perspectives on the violent history of the Buchenwald concentration camp.

In the framework of one- and multi-day seminars the audio walk offers a unique opportunity to gain access to the historical grounds from the vantage point of present-day conflicts and enter into discussion with other listeners. The audio walk is also suitable for individual visits to the memorial.

To listen to the audio walk, you need a smartphone or MP3 player and earphones. We recommend closed-back over-ear headphones. The audio walk is presently available in Arabic, German, English, French, Persian and Turkish.

In September 2022, Buchenwald: An Audio Walk placed third in the Audiowalk-Award 2022.

Funded by the Foundation "Remembrance, Responsibility and Future" (EVZ) as part of the funding programme "Migration and Remembrance Culture" in cooperation with "Arbeit & Leben Thüringen".

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