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Georges Angéli

The French photographer stole one of the cameras kept in the photo department in June 1944 and secretly took eleven photos on a Sunday when there were no SS in the camp. The motive for these motifs, most of which were photographed in the "Little Camp", was to create testimonies that would outlive the camp. Angéli hid the original prints until liberation. (From: Digital photo exhibition "Black on White")

Prisoners standing at one of the small latrines in the small camp. On the left in the picture the cinema barrack. Handwritten "2" on the lower left edge of the picture and "JUIN 1944" on the lower edge of the picture.
Prisoners standing at one of the small latrines in the Little Camp, 1944. Photo: Georges Angéli.
Prisoners in front of the cinema barracks. A film poster hangs on the wall of the barracks on the right.
Prisoners in front of the cinema barracks, 1944. Photo: Georges Angéli.
View from the western fringe of the Small Camp into the main camp. In the foreground, prisoners are sitting or standing. On the left side of the picture the stone blocks 46, 41 and 36.
View from the western perimeter of the Small Camp into the main camp, 1944. Photo: Georges Angéli.
Prisoners in the Small Camp, photographed through a rough barbed wire fence. On the left are horse stable barracks 62 and 63. Some prisoners are sitting with their backs to the fence. In the background is the tent camp set up in May 1944. Group gatherings of prisoners can be seen in the background.
Prisoners in the small camp, 1944. Photo: Georges Angéli.
 Prisoners are walking on the camp road towards a baracks, which can be seen in the background. The prisoners walk in small groups and give the impression that they are talking to each other.
Prisoners walking on the camp road. The building in the background is the brothel barracks, 1944. Photo: Georges Angéli.
Prisoners walk in small groups or in pairs at a great distance from each other on the roll call square. The gate building in the central background.
Prisoners walking across the roll call square. View of the gate building from the direction of Block 2, 1944. Photo: Georges Angéli.
Prisoners walking on the camp road. View of the Goethe oak tree. In the background the laundry, behind it the chamber building. In the far right foreground the prisoners' kitchen building.
Prisoners walking on the camp road. In the background, the Goethe oak tree and the laundry, 1944. Photo: Georges Angéli.
Prisoners on the camp road in front of the latrine and washroom building in the Small Camp. Barracks 59 and 62 in the background. Many prisoners are sitting by the roadside.
Prisoners on the camp road in front of the latrine and washroom building in the Small Camp, 1944. Photo: Georges Angéli.
Prisoners are walking in front of one of the stone blocks from left to right. The cap of the prisoner standing in the foreground is retouched.
Prisoners in front of one of the stone blocks (according to Angéli, this is Block 46), 1944. Photo: Georges Angéli.
Blurred image of a camp road leading to the crematorium. On the right in the background is a watchtower, on the left the crematorium. On the right on the grass strip in front of the camp fence recognizable traces of retouching.
View from the camp gate towards the crematorium and watchtower 22, 1944. Photo: Georges Angéli.
Prisoners of the Small Camp are sitting and standing in front of a horse stable barrack, behind it two larger stone buildings. The picture shows a bustle of activity.
Prisoners of the Small Camp sitting and standing in front of a horse stable barrack, 1944. Photo: Georges Angéli.

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