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Little Camp Memorial

The Little Camp Memorial commemorates the more than 5,000 who perished in the "hell of Buchenwald." In between the sites of the former barracks, the memorial, erected in 2002, forms an area enclosed by a wall, which invites visitors to sit and rest.

The access path leads down into a brick room without a roof. A young tree stands in a jagged recessed corner in the wall. Black stone benches.
Overview of the memorial at the Little Camp, 2012. Photo: Claus Bach.
Two densely written black memorial plaques on the wall. In front of them on the floor are smaller black plaques with place names.
Inscription plaques, Small camp memorial, 2008. Photo: Katharina Brand.

In August 1945, during the period of the Soviet Special Camp No. 2, the Soviet camp administrators had the barracks of the Little Camp torn down. The area became overgrown in the 1950s. The concrete pillars that marked the outlines of the main site of death in the Buchenwald Concentration Camp can be seen here at the former latrine. At first, a stone merely indicated "the location of the military leadership of the resistance fighters on April 11, 1945." After 1990, intensive clearing work and archaeological excavations were conducted at the site. 

Inscribed on the memorial are the names of places—deportation sites, jails, and concentration camps—from which people were transported to the Little Camp. The memorial was designed by New York architect Stephen B. Jacobs, who was an inmate in the Little Camp himself at the age of six. It was realized as a joint project of the U. S. Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad and the Buchenwald Memorial.

A painstaking archaeological study of the site preceded the construction of the memorial, which uncovered elements such as the stone pavement of the camp pathways. The memorial was placed in relation to these surroundings but does not overpower the historical context of the site.

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