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Taboo and Late Re-examination

Brightly shining steel stelae in the forest cemetery mark anonymous collective graves from the time of the Soviet special camp
Steel steles mark anonymous collective graves, 2003. Photo: Peter Hansen.

During the GDR period, the Nation Buchenwald Memorial did not commemorate the Soviet Special Camp No. 2; the dead were not mentioned.  

Since 1990, the memorial has sought to illuminate the history of the Soviet special camp. Various aspects of the camp's history were uncovered in group conversations with former inmates. Through a cooperation project between the Sachsenhausen Memorial and the University of Jena, sources from the state archives of the Russian Federation were made available and analysed.

The first book of the dead of the special camp was published in May 1997. This history of the Soviet special camp has been featured at the site in a newly constructed building since 1997.

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