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Design of Mass Graves as a National Monument of the GDR

Bricked-on pedestals for the fire bowls on the Street of Nations during construction. In total, 7 pedestals are visible in the picture. The rest of the picture shows building material and wooden scaffolding.
Erection of the pylons on the Road of Nations, 1955. Photo: Ernst Schäfer. ©Buchenwald Memorial
A worker sits on the scaffolded bell tower and watches the raising of the Buchenwald bell. The bell is considerably larger than the worker.
The Buchenwald bell is pulled onto the tower, 1957. Photo: Ernst Schäfer.
A large crowd has gathered between the bell tower and Fritz Cremer's group of figures. The picture shows people as far as the eye can see, only the bronze figures stick out. Several loudspeakers are distributed over the area.
Inauguration of the memorial, 14 September 1958. Photo: Ernst Schäfer.

Simultaneously with the demolition of the camp, plans were developed for the construction of the monumental memorial on the southern slopes of Ettersberg Mountain. It was inaugurated on September 14, 1958. Under the leitmotif "through struggle and death to victory," the conceptual idea was to link the mass graves at the side in the form of a pathway leading to a bell tower visible from far and wide, which in turn represents the realization of the Oath of Buchenwald in the GDR.

Through the commemoration of the dead, who were portrayed as ultimately victorious resistance fighters, visitors were to recognize the validity of the claim to power of the Socialist Unity Party (SED). Correspondingly the memorial was used as a site for mass events, matriculation ceremonies, ceremonies marking workers' achievements, and the swearing-in of the National People's Army (NVA). For the GDR it assumed the function of a national monument.

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