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Rolf Grashey – “Shot while trying to escape”

14/11/1903 (München, German Reich) – 4/9/1937 (Buchenwald concentration camp)

Portrait photograph of Rolf Grashey
Rolf Grashey (1903–1937), 1936.

The gifted and sensitive literary scholar, Slavist, translator and writer came from a well-known family of physicians and led a carefree life in Munich. He published in the satirical magazine Simplicissimus and had no sympathy for the National Socialists. In the mid-1930s, Rolf Grashey was a target of the intensified persecution of homosexuals. The Gestapo forced confessions out of him; he was taken to Weimar in 1937 and committed to the Buchenwald concentration camp as a possible witness in a show trial being conducted at the time. Out of desperation – in part because he did not want to damage his family’s reputation – he decided to commit suicide two days after his committal and deliberately entered the SS sentry line.

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