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Max Windmüller – “... to fight to the end.”

7/2/1920 (Emden, German Reich) – 21/4/1945 (near Cham in the Upper Palatinate, German Reich)

Passport photo of Max Windmüller
Max Windmüller (1920-1945), passport photo.

Max Windmüller had already boarded a ship to Palestine in 1939. At the last minute, he changed his mind. He stayed in Europe and joined a Jewish resistance group in Holland devoted to helping Jews flee to Spain. He and his family had themselves fled to the neighbouring country from East Frisia, Germany in 1933. Betrayed by a double agent, he was arrested in France in July 1944. A month later he was on the last transport from the Drancy camp near Paris to the Buchenwald concentration camp. On a death march he collapsed, sick and enfeebled. The SS shot him to death shortly before American troops liberated the inmates on the march.

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