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Martin Wolff – Reason for arrest: owning a bicycle

24/9/1894 (Aurich, German Reich) – 14/3/1942 (NS-Tötungsanstalt at Bernburg), German Reich)

Portrait photograph of Martin Wolff
Martin Wolff (1894–1942), ca. 1939.

The Wolffs ran a vacation home in Aurich for Jewish children from the big cities. In 1940 they were expelled from East Frisia and went to Weimar. The trained cattle trader was assigned to perform forced labour for a potato dealer. As Jews were not permitted to use public transport, the family man – who had had difficulty walking since World War I – rode a bicycle to work. In early 1942, the Gestapo arrested him on the street for allegedly making false statements regarding his ownership of the bicycle. After a few weeks in the Buchenwald concentration camp, the SS had him murdered in the Bernburg killing facility. His wife and two of his five children likewise did not survive the Holocaust.

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