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Feliks Grześkowiak – Illegal connections

14/5/1921 (Wolsztyn, Poland) – 31/1/2012 (Nowy Tomyśl, Poland)

Private photo of Feliks Grzeskowiak adjusting a machine
Feliks Grzeskowiak (1921–2012), ca. 1946.

In May 1940, the nineteen-year-old Pole Feliks Grześkowiak was arrested for having built a radio and, months later, deported to the Buchenwald concentration camp. After performing extremely gruelling labour in the nursery detachment, he was assigned to work in the Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke armaments factory. There fellow German inmates noticed his technical abilities. The camp resistance commissioned him to set up secret telephone connections in the inmates’ camp. The telephone exchange was installed in the tuberculosis isolation barrack. The young electrician carried out the risky mission and ran the system until the liberation. Back home, he remained faithful to his passion: he started a family and opened a little electrical business.

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