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Éva Fahidi-Pusztai - "We did not even say goodbye to each other."

22/10/1925 (Debrecen, Hungary)

Portrait photograph of Éva Fahidi-Pusztai
Éva Fahidi-Pusztai (1925), 2012. Photo: Peter Hansen.

Éva Fahidi grew up in affluent middle-class circumstances. The Jewish family converted to Catholicism in 1936. In June 1944, after several months in a ghetto, she and her parents and sister were deported from their native Hungarian town to the Auschwitz concentration camp. Her mother and younger sister were murdered in the gas chamber; her father died of exhaustion. Éva Fahidi was deported to Allendorf to perform forced labour. When the camp was cleared, she fled. She returned to Hungary, worked in export trade and devoted herself to efforts to come to terms with the Holocaust.

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