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Found objects from everyday life in the Buchenwald concentration camp

The found objects suitcase offers an opportunity to explore the history of the Buchenwald concentration camp as told by ten found objects. All of the objects were found on the memorial grounds.

In the picture you can see the found object case. It is a wooden case that contains found objects as well as explanatory material.
In the picture you can see the found object case. It is a wooden case that contains found objects as well as explanatory material. Photo: Katharina Brand.
You can see a frame of glasses with round frames. It is a found object from the educational material found object case.
Glasses. Radio piece from the educational material found object case. Photo: Peter Hansen.
On the picture you can see a metal eating bowl. It is a found object from the educational material found object case.
Eating bowl. Found object from the educational material found object case. Photo: Peter Hansen.
In the picture you can see a two-piece shoe sole. It is a found object from the educational material found object case.
Shoe sole. Found object from the educational material found object case. Photo: Peter Hansen.
In the picture you can see a clock case with artistic engraving. It is a found object from the educational material found object case.
Clock case. Found object from the educational material found object case. Photo: Peter Hansen.

During the workshop, we approach the objects' value and the different levels of meaning step by step. By way of free association, careful examination of the objects and descriptions they write themselves, the participants develop an interest in and a certain closeness to the found objects and their history. Documents, photographs, and drawings as well as texts and quotations from first-hand witnesses, dating from after 1945, help to classify and understand the individual objects. The participants exchange views in a guided discussion.

The multimedia and methodologically varied work with the found objects condenses history at the historical site and makes it tangible in the literal sense.

All texts are available as audio recordings (only in german). In addition, the method allows for individual and inclusive work adapted to different learning needs.

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