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What is anti-Semitism?

Anti-Semitism is often defined as "hostility towards Jews" which finds expression in thought and actions. But anti-Semitism is more than that. It is also a completely false conception of Jews and of the world.

The picture shows 2 young people who are pinning something to a blackboard together. In the background on the right there is a poster with the inscription: "Welcome to the workshop "Recognizing anti-Semitism.
"Was verbinde ich mit Antisemitismus?"

Anti-Semitism provides distorted explanations of the world and false orientation, and often appears in forms not easily recognizable as anti-Semitic at first sight. This workshop seeks to develop an awareness of the historical and social context of anti-Semitism and enable participants to recognize and identify anti-Semitism in everyday life.

To this end, the participants first discuss their own associations and previous knowledge of the topic. In a subsequent historical overview, we trace and discuss developments in anti-Judaism and anti-Semitism and the significance of anti-Semitism for National Socialism. Finally, we use a visual method to illustrate what we have learned and consolidate the knowledge we have acquired. One focus here is on recognizing anti-Semitic codes.

Depending on the amount of time available, we offer supplementary immersion phases in which the participants have the opportunity to expand their knowledge of manifestations of Israel-related anti-Semitism and secondary anti-Semitism as well as (socio-)psychological aspects of anti-Semitism and discuss these and other current aspects and consequences of anti-Semitism with the help of the film Masel Tov Cocktail (31 minutes).

Trailer for the film Masel Tov Cocktail (german) (1:05 min):

For those who would like to delve deeper into the topic, we also offer thematic one- and multi-day seminars on "Anti-Semitism and National Socialism".
The programme is designed for participants age 17 and older.

This programme, which lasts several days, comprises a close look at the history of the Buchenwald concentration camp with a focus on (National Socialist) anti-Semitism. In several workshop and discussion units, we undertake an in-depth examination of modern anti-Semitism, its history and causes, as well as its significance for National Socialism. Contemporary manifestations such as Israel-related anti-Semitism also play a role.

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