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Contagious diseases and National Socialism

In this online seminar led by members of the memorial educational staff, the participants take a look at history against the background of their own experiences of pandemic and crisis. The offer is based on the principle of exploring history from the perspective of the present.

This thematic online seminar offers an in-depth exploration of the history of contagious diseases, Nazi society, and Nazi occupation policies with the aid of historical sources and biographies bearing a relation to the Buchenwald concentration camp.

The history of the concentration camp is considered in the larger societal context. By taking a look breaks and continuities in connection with contagious diseases, participants can link their own experiences of the corona crisis with historical insights and gain an awareness of group-related ascriptions of blame and what they mean for dealing with (contagious) diseases. This can help to provide or reinforce orientation and promote critical, history-conscious thought an action.

The seminar can be carried out as a 2-day programme of approx. 6.5 hours a day, or as a 3-day programme of approx. 4.5 hours a day.

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