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Dealing with Nazi crimes in the Soviet occupation zone

German-Polish-Belarusian seminar for students and young people

25 to 30 November 2024 in Weimar


GARF Dokument

The seminar from the "History and Human Rights" series takes place on the grounds of the Buchenwald Memorial. This site was the location of Soviet Special Camp No. 2 for German internees in the Soviet occupation zone from 1945 to 1950. Here we will discuss what happened in Germany after the end of the war and how the crimes of the National Socialists were dealt with over time. We will look at the topic from different perspectives: Polish, Belarusian and German. We will also get to know the memorial, its exhibitions about the Buchenwald concentration camp, forms of remembrance of the camp in the GDR and today. We will show the current exhibition on the Soviet special camp and discuss concepts for a future presentation of the topic. One part of the seminar is dedicated to the history of Weimar during the National Socialist era and is linked to a visit to the new museum on forced labour under National Socialism.

Who? Young people between the ages of 20 and 27
When: 25 November - 30 November 2024
Where? Weimar (DE)
How much? 50.00 EUR participation fee for accommodation, meals & programme. Travel expenses will be reimbursed pro rata.
How to apply? You can apply until 19.07.2024 via this Link

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