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Rene Emmendörffer

Archive Associate

Portrait photograph of Rene Emmendörffer
Rene Emmendörffer, 2021. Photo: Peter Hansen

Rene Emmendörffer studied history and Yiddish philology at the University of  Düsseldorf (M.A.) 2014–2020. From 2018–2020 he was a student assistant at MiQua: LVR-Jüdisches Museum im Archäologischen Quartier Köln. Since 2020 he has been a team member of the project [m²] miteinander mittendrin: Für Demokratie – Gegen Antisemitismus und Rassismus organized by the NS-Documentation Center of the City of Cologne and has worked as a research scholar at the Charles University in Prague since 2021. From 2021 to July 2022, he was a research volunteer in Custody 2 - History of Soviet Special Camp No. 2 at the Buchenwald Memorial. Since August 2022, he has been a staff member at the Buchenwald Memorial Archive.

Research focuses:
History of National Socialism and post-war Germany, history of the Jews in Germany and Eastern Europe (esp. Czechoslovakia), history of anti-Semitism, racism and conspiracy theories

Contributions to collective volumes:
“Zum 100. Geburtstag: Die Biografie des Goldschmiedes Fritz Deutsch”, in: Cohen, Laura / Otten, Thomas / Twiehaus, Christiane: Jüdische Geschichte und Gegenwart in Deutschland: Aktuelle Fragen und Positionen, Cologne 2021, pp. 142f.

Collaboration on exhibitions:
“Menschen, Bilder, Orte: 1700 Jahre jüdisches Leben in Deutschland” (2021)

“Ritualmordlegenden: Antijüdische Fake News” (online exhibition, 2021)

Permanent exhibition of the “MiQua: LVR-Jüdisches Museum im Archäologischen Quartier Cologne” (planned opening 2025)

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