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Lisa Rethmeier

Education Department Associate

Lisa Rethmeier studied history and German literary studies (B.A.) and history and twentieth-century politics (M.A.) at the University of Jena 2012–2020. Beginning in 2014 she worked as a freelance associate of the Buchenwald Memorial; 2018–2019 she volunteered at Herinneringscentrum Kamp Westerbork in Hooghalen (Netherlands) with Action Reconciliation Service for Peace. She has been an associate in the education department of the Buchenwald and Mittelbau-Dora Memorials Foundation since 2020. Her responsibilities include the development and implementation of digital educational offers for school pupils and young adults as well as one-day and multi-day educational programmes, also in English and Dutch.

Work focuses:
Development and implementation of digital educational offers for school pupils and young adults

Development and implementation of one-day and several-day educational programmes, also in English and Dutch

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