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Julia Treumann

Organizational Head of the International Education Center | Education Department Associate

Portrait shot by Julia Treumann
Julia Treumann, 2021. Photo: Peter Hansen

Julia Treumann studied law at the University of Trier and completed her legal traineeship in Erfurt. She practiced law 1999–2011. 2012–2017 she worked as an independent associate of the Buchenwald Memorial, and she has been an associate in the Education Department of the Buchenwald and Mittelbau-Dora Memorials Foundation since 2017.

Work focuses:
Collaboration on development and implementation of educational offers on “the value and worth of the human being in meritocracies” for persons with learning difficulties within the framework of an excellence project funded by the German Federal Administration Office

Collaboration on development and implementation of educational offers for police officers and trainees within the framework of the cooperation project between the Buchenwald and Mittelbau-Dora Memorials Foundation and the educational centre of the Thuringian police

Development and implementation of (primarily) several-day educational offers, also in English

Training of freelance staff

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