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Joachim König

Education Department Associate

Studied historical science and geography in Bochum and Bordeaux, subsequently training as a teacher for high school and secondary school. In 1999 he passed his second state examination in Hagen (Westphalia). As a student, he worked at various institutions dedicated to extracurricular youth education, including German-French initiatives. He has been an associate in the education department of the Buchenwald and Mittelbau-Dora Memorials Foundation since 1999.

Work focuses:
Development and implementation of educational programmes with German-language groups

International educational work for young people and adults (in French and English), e.g. French-German and Czech-German seminars

International summer camps as well as events and further training programmes for disseminators and teachers from Belgium, Belarus, France, West Balkan countries, the U.S., Cambodia, and elsewhere

In cooperation with the EJBW and Klassik Stiftung Weimar implementation of the seminar “Snapshot”, a cultural, historical-political offer for Belgian, Italian and German school pupils

In the framework of international educational work, further development of didactic concepts and methods; participation in international working groups

“Le potentiel pédagogique du Mémorial de Buchenwald et les expériences avec les groupes de visiteurs”, in: Jacques et Ygal Fijalkow (eds.): Les Élèves face à la Shoah: Lieux, histoires, voyages, Albi 2013, pp. 130–142.

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