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Jan Malecha

Mitarbeiter der Bildungsabteilung

Jan Malecha studied European studies and European history in Chemnitz and Toruń (PL), receiving his M.A. in 2007. 2007–2009 he was an associate of the Krzyżowa Foundation for Mutual Understanding in Europe (PL). He has been an educational associate at the Buchenwald Memorial since 2010. Since 2014 he has done educational work in schools in the US. However, his work focuses on Poland and Eastern Europe.

Poland and Eastern Europe

12.11.1989: Kurze Geschichte der Versöhnungsmesse in Kreisau, Krzyżowa 2009.

Krzyżowa/Kreisau: Ein Wegweiser durch Geschichte und Gegenwart, Krzyżowa 2009.

“KZ Gedenkstätten als Lernort”, in: info – Magazin des Deutsch-Polnischen Jugendwerkes, 2019. pp. 12–13.

Nazi forced labour in occupied Poland, 1939–1945 – A search for traces with students in present-day Warsaw, 2013

“Euthanasia” in the German Reich and occupied Poland – An exhibition project by young people of Weimar and Cracow on discrimination, persecution, and the extermination of persons with disabilities under National Socialism, 2016

Annual several-day international encounter projects for young people and adults

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