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International Study- und Workcamps (Summercamps)

During the summer months, we offer two-week, international summer camps in cooperation with Aktion Sühnezeichen Friedensdienste (ASF), Service Civil International (SCI), Vereinigung Junger Freiwilliger (VJF), and Internationale Jugendgemeinschaftsdiensten (ijgd).

Several young people can be seen at a table near the international education center, animatedly discussing with each other. Besides drinks, educational material is scattered on the tables.
Group work at the Summer Camp, 2022. Photo: Lukas Severin Damm. ©Buchenwald Memorial
A participant of the Summerworkcamp paints memorial stones.
A Summerworkcamp participant paints memorial stones, 2022. Photo: Lukas Severin Damm. ©Buchenwald Memorial
A teenage volunteer works on memorial stones of the Buchenwald Railway Memorial Trail with a hammer and chisel.
A Summer Camp volunteer engraves memorial stones for the Buchenwald Railway Memorial Trail, 2022. Photo: Lukas Severin Damm. ©Buchenwald Memorial
Two teenage volunteers work on memorial stones of the Buchenwald Railway Memorial Trail with hammer and chisel
Two youth volunteers work on memorial stones of the Buchenwald Railway Memorial Trail, 2022. Photo: Lukas Severin Damm. ©Buchenwald Memorial

During the summer months, we offer two-week international study-and-work camps in cooperation with each of our partners. International exchange and an intensive engagement with the history of the site are focal aspects of the programmes, in addition to maintenance work on the grounds of memorial.

Dates in 2025:

20 July to 2 August: Action Reconciliation Service for Peace

17 to 30 August: Vereinigung Junger Freiwilliger

See the individual websites of our partners for registration information:

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