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Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr (FSJ, Federal Volunteer Social Year Programme) Focus on Restoration

The FSJ programme in historical preservation (restoration) primarily takes place in the restoration workshop and the educational department of the memorial. There are many ways to shape this experience.

A person cleans an old eating bowl. On the table in front of the person are historical objects. People in lab coats in the background at equipment.

The main responsibilities of the restoration workshop at the memorial is to catalogue and preserve archaeological finds from the Buchenwald Concentration Camp. Uncovering and conserving these objects forms the basis for further research, knowledge transfer, collection work, and museum presentations.

Volunteers taking part in the FSJ programme in historical preservation have the opportunity to work in the following fields:

  • the conservation of archaeological finds made of metal, plastic, leather, textiles, glass, ceramics, and combined materials
  • the preservation of non-archaeological objects
  • cataloguing and documentation
  • packing objects
  • study and research on the provenance and history of the objects
  • supporting the restoration department in work with school groups
  • learning about other departments of the memorial (for example, the education department)
  • observing study and training sessions and/or multi-day seminars
  • support in helping visitors at the information desk
  • preparing and realizing one's own tour concept for the site

    The FSJ programme in the restoration workshop at the Buchenwald Memorial is recognized by numerous universities as a university prep internship for the study of conservation and restoration.

    The FSJ volunteer in historical preservation works at the memorial together with four other volunteers, who have applied to the memorial through a range of initiatives and organizations.  

Application through Jugendbauhütte Mühlhausen (IJGD):

Logo of JugendBauhütten

See here for comprehensive information about an FSJ programme in historical preservation:

Interested in another voluntary service?

A young woman is standing on a meadow in front of a microphone and is reading from a piece of paper.
A volunteer read at an event commemorating the November Pogrom, 2018. Photo by Janos Varga.

Those interested in volunteering at the Buchenwald Memorial can find detailed information here:

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