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Training for Freelance Outreach Instructors

Interested individuals can train as instructors, who competently provide guidance and teaching for individuals and groups touring the grounds during a visit to the Buchenwald Memorial.

A group stands on the parking space. They are listening to a guide. In the background is a building of the International Youth Meeting Center.

Interested individuals can train as instructors, who competently provide guidance and teaching for individuals and groups touring the grounds during a visit to the Buchenwald Memorial.

Our outreach instructors accompany several thousand guests at the Buchenwald Memorial every year. These visitors are mainly young people who come to Weimar as part of school travel and education programmes, but they also include numerous adult groups from different contexts as well as international tourists.

In order to meet the sustained high demand for qualified and foreign-language guides on site, we offer training for outreach instructors twice a year. Working on a freelance basis, they are largely the guides who accompany visitors on two- to three-hour tours.

The training is divided into several parts:

In a two-day, discussion-based seminar, participants gain initial insights into the history of Buchenwald and are introduced to the principles and methods of our educational work. The seminar is followed by a phase of (guided) self-study and observation. The next step is a one-day seminar focussing on the introductory talk that precedes each tour. Finally, participants must write a tour concept, which is the basis of an oral examination at the end of the training.

If we have aroused your interest in working as an outreach instructor at the Buchenwald Memorial, we would welcome your application. Please send a brief letter of motivation (one-page maximum) and a resume.

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