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Life stories

In this online seminar, participants learn about the history of the Buchenwald concentration camp as mirrored in various life stories.

Graphic on the biographies "Eviction transports" with photos, names and life data.
Biographies tableau: eviction transports.

In July 1937, the SS—a paramilitary and security organization of the Nazi party—had the Buchenwald concentration camp built on Ettersberg Mountain outside of Weimar. By April 1945, nearly 280,000 persons had been held prisoner in Buchenwald and its 139 subcamps.

Whom did the Nazis commit to the Buchenwald concentration camp and why? What role was played by the subcamps and forced labour for the German armaments industry? Who profited from that labour? Who knew what was going on?

In the four-hour online seminar, the participants explore these questions with the memorial educational staff. Independent work with life stories in small groups forms the core of the seminar.

This offer is a suitable as preparation for or a follow-up on a visit to the memorial.

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