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German-Ukrainian study and work camp

04.08.2024 ‒ 14.08.2024, 08:00 AM‒16:00 PM


Jugend­begegnungs­stätte der Gedenkstätte Buchenwald

Call for participants

International exchange project

Youth Meeting Centre of the Buchenwald Memorial

For all interested parties over the age of 18

Participants from Germany and Ukraine will meet and spend time together at the International Eduacation Centre of the Buchenwald Memorial. The history of Buchenwald under National Socialism will be a focal point of the camp through tours, workshops and individual research. Other topics, including current ones, will also be organised according to the interests of the participants. There will also be practical work. On the former railway line of the camp, we will erect and work on memorial stones in memory of people who were deported from Buchenwald to Auschwitz and murdered by the National Socialists.

For the 10-day event, we are looking for participants aged 18 and over with an interest in history and current developments in Ukraine, Germany and Europe. Openness, tolerance and language skills in English and German (B2) are required for the project.

Please send applications with a short letter of motivation in the above-mentioned language to: or

The application deadline is 30 June 2024. Further information can be found in the call for applications attached. We look forward to your applications!

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