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Special exhibition "Persecution Through Their Eyes"

08.11.2023 ‒ 24.03.2024, 11:00 AM‒17:00 PM


Buchenwald Memorial

Special exhibition "Persecution Through Their Eyes"  in the former Inmates' canteen.

Based on life stories, the special exhibition explores the question of what persecution during the National Socialist regime and the Second World War could mean for people in Europe:

Who were the persecuted? For what reasons were they excluded, persecuted, murdered? What effects did exclusion and persecution have on them and their families? How did the survivors fare after the end of the Second World War? And: Who were the perpetrators? How did they become perpetrators? Were their deeds punished?

The exhibition is the result of a transnational cooperation between the LRE Foundation in Belgium/Italy and memorial sites in Poland, Italy, the Netherlands and Germany. It can be seen at Camp Vught National Memorial (Netherlands), Brama Grodzka - Theatre NN in Lublin (Poland), National Peace Park and Historical Museum of the Resistance in Sant' Anna di Stazzema (Italy) and from 8 November also at the Buchenwald Memorial.

The exhibition is funded by the European Union.


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