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Rudi Supek - "Naš glas" Unsere Stimme

8/4/1913 (Zagreb, Kingdom of Croatia and Slavonia) – 2/1/1993 (Zagreb, Croatia)

Portrait photo of Rudi Supek
Rudi Supek (1913–1993), ca. 1955.

The Croat Rudi Supek was one of the intellectual leaders of the International Camp Committee. He represented the Yugoslavs, a group with members of widely differing interests and ethnic backgrounds. The son of a chimneysweep, he had gone to Paris in 1939 to study philosophy. There, as a member of the Communist party, he had mobilized Yugoslav immigrants for the French resistance. He was arrested in 1942 and deported to the Buchenwald concentration camp two years later. In Buchenwald he was active in the camp resistance. After the liberation, he worked on the camp newspaper Naš glas. He completed his studies in France and went on to work at various universities in his native country.

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