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Maurice Pertschuk – A British agent in the French underground

31/7/1921 (Paris, France) – 29/3/1945 (Buchenwald concentration camp)

Portrait photo of Maurice Perchuk
Maurice Pertschuk (1921–1945), ca. 1941.

After the outbreak of war, Maurice Pertschuk volunteered for the British military. He came from a Russian-Jewish family that had lived in France for a long time. Because he spoke French, the secret service recruited him for a special unit. In that capacity he was sent to France in 1942. Despite his young age, he succeeded in setting up a resistance network in Toulouse. He was betrayed, and in early 1944 deported to the Buchenwald concentration camp. There he was taken for a British student, and managed to keep his real name and past a secret for more than a year. It was not until shortly before the camp’s liberation that the SS discovered the true identity of the twenty-three-year-old agent and murdered him in the crematorium. The poems he had written in the camp were published posthumously in 1946.

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