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Booking inquiry

for one- and multi-day educational offers on site and online

The counter in the entrance area of the International Education Center.
In the entrance area of the International Education Centre. Photo: Katharina Brand.

To inquire about booking a one- or multi-day seminar or an online offer, please send an e-mail to Sylke Schmidt (tel.: +49 (0)3643 - 430 190), with the following information:

⦁ type of offer (one-day seminar, multi-day offer with overnight accommodations in the Young People’s Centre, online offer)
⦁ preferred dates (please provide at least two options)
⦁ name, address, and contact details of the institution and the contact person
⦁ information on the group: age / school year, number of participants, number of accompanying persons

Irrespective of the duration of the offer, the one-off costs for the educational support of adults are €80 per group of up to 15 people and €120 per group of more than 15 and up to 30 people. Reduced rates are €40 per group of up to 15 people and €60 per group of more than 15 and up to 30 people. If you are combining an online offer for preparation or follow-up with an offer on site at the memorial, the fee will be charged only once.

The costs of room and board at the Young People’s Centre (only for multi-day seminars!) are indicated in the price list below. The Centre provides breakfast, lunch, and dinner, cake and coffee, and bagged lunches. Self-catering is not possible.

The accompanying members of the educational staff will work with you to adapt all analogue and digital programmes to your group’s individual needs in advance.

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